I'm Christian. Among many other things, I build internets.
Currently at breakingnews.com/NBCNews,
formerly of the Django homeland.
Structured data.
Do you have an website that has an API?
Do you have an API that powers a website?
Do you have an API that powers a website and an iPhone app and a iPad app and a Kindle app and an Android app and a Samsung TV app and etc. ad infinitum?
Can your API support everything about your application? It's not just about the website; Apps all the way down.
Everything is a compromise.
You can't (easily) load anything lazily.
Relationships or methods. HATEOAS.
Public. Complexity costs are more upfront.
If you put it in, you can't take it out.
Private data?
Wanted to use something light and dumb. A mustache-alike. They're all too dumb. Python AND JS. Ended up using Plate.js
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